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Accelerating the progress towards attaining the three zeroes

Annual Report

2019 was an epic year for UNFPA in Sierra Leone as this annual report, ‘Accelerating progress towards attaining the three zeros shows. The zeros refer to the three transformative goals of ending preventable maternal deaths, ending unmet need for family planning and ending gender-based violence and harmful practices against women and girls.


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UNFPA Sierra Leone COVID-19 Situation Report

Situation Report

UNFPA Sierra Leone continues to deliver a comprehensive programme on sexual and reproductive health, while responding to the COVID-19 pandemic. Read the latest COVID-19 report.

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National Male Involvement Strategy for the Prevention of Sexual and Gender-Based Violence in Sierra Leone


The National Male Involvement Strategy adopts a socially transformative approach that seeks to accelerate implementation by encouraging the participation of men and boys as change agents and champions of women’s and girls’ rights, in their families, communities, schools and work places. It goes further to also encourage mitigating conflicts, sensitizing their peers and ensuring survivors receive appropriate services.

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Humanitarian Action 2020 Overview


UNFPA, the United Nations sexual and reproductive health agency, appeals for $683 million to provide life-saving reproductive health and protection services to 48 million women, girls and young people, including 4 million pregnant women, in 57 countries affected by conflict or natural disasters in 2020.

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UNFPA Sierra Leone - At a glance


UNFPA has been operating in Sierra Leone since 1971 and supports the Government’s efforts to revitalise the health system and promote sexual and reproductive health and rights. 

Find out more about the work UNFPA undertakes in Sierra Leone by reading our new 'At a Glance' brochure.

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Costing the Three Transformative Results


Costing the Three Transformative Results focuses on new research to estimate the costs associated the global effort led by UNFPA to: (a) end preventable maternal deaths, (b) end the unmet need for family planning, and (c) end gender-based violence and all harmful practices, including child marriage and female genital mutilation.

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Icons & Activists: 50 years of people making change


In celebration of the 50th anniversary of UNFPA and the 25th of the ICPD, this book showcases the "change makers" who have made substantial contributions to sexual and reproductive health and rights, and population and development more broadly.

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The Maternal and Newborn Health Thematic Fund Annual Report 2018


In 2018, UNFPA's Maternal and Newborn Health Thematic Fund (MHTF) moved into Phase III (2018-2022) of its Business Plan based on three cross-cutting principles: improving equity in access, quality of care and accountability, in line with the three pillars of the Global Strategy for Women’s, Children’s and Adolescents’ Health (2016-2030). 

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Sierra Leone National Population Policy 2018


The National Population Policy is designed to improve the quality of life for the people of Sierra Leone by ensuring that the sustainable management of population growth is in line with the country’s economic growth, poverty reduction and available resources.

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Newsletter: UNFPA Deputy Executive Director visits Sierra Leone


In June, UNFPA Deputy Executive Director, programme Mr. Dereje Wordofa visited Sierra Leone. It was Mr. Wordofa’s first visit to the small West African country, and one which we hoped he will remember fondly.

Read this special newsletter which details his activities during his visit to the country.

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