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The National Policy and Strategy for the Elimination of Cervical Cancer 2023-2028 adopts the current 2022 WHO global strategic recommendations of 90:70:90 targets for cervical cancer elimination in Sierra Leone. The interventions outlined for cervical cancer prevention, treatment and elimination are integral to reaching the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) for health (SDG 3) and gender equality (SDG 5). Thirteen policies have been formulated that are key to guiding the development of strategies specific to the ecosystem of Sierra Leone. The policies and strategies adhere to the public health approaches of primary, secondary and tertiary preventive interventions across the life course of women.

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Sierra Leone’s policy environment is generally conducive to and supportive of family planning. General health sector policies and strategies identify the improvement of maternal health outcomes and reduction of teenage pregnancy as priorities. Health sector policies identify family planning as a high-impact intervention and highlight its integration into mainstream government systems. The policies also recommend resource allocation to emphasize preventive and primary health care including family planning. An ambitious national target is also set to meet over 90 per cent of the family planning demand by 2030.

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Technical Reports and Document

In response to the global call to eradicate obstetric fistula and recognising the need to address the preventable problem of obstetric fistula more strategically, the Government of Sierra Leone, through the Ministry of Health and Sanitation with technical support from UNFPA and other partners, commissioned the development of a national fistula strategy and implementation plan.

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Delivering transformative results for women and young people

Delivering transformative results for women and young people

Annual Report

In 2022 UNFPA launched a new global Strategic Plan (2022-2025) which is aimed at accelerating transformative results to leave no one behind and reach the furthest behind first. In line with this call, UNFPA Sierra Leone tailored its programmatic and technical assistance and expanded partnerships to strengthen the achievement of the organization’s three transformative results: ending the unmet need for family planning, ending preventable maternal deaths, and ending gender-based violence and harmful practices. 

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The report identifies rising population anxiety, urges radical rethink of how countries address changing demographics

STATE OF WORLD POPULATION REPORT 8 Billion Lives, Infinite Possibilities: The case for rights and choices

Annual Report

The State of World Population report is UNFPA’s annual flagship publication. Published yearly since 1978, it shines a light on emerging issues in the field of sexual and reproductive health and rights, bringing them into the mainstream and exploring the challenges and opportunities they present for international development. This year’s report includes contributions from two UN partners: the International Organization for Migration and the Population Division of the Department of Economic and Social Affairs.

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Delivering on the transformative agenda

Annual Report

Despite the COVID-19 pandemic and its severe effects in 2021, UNFPA Sierra Leone remained committed to working closely with the Government in advancing the pathways that are critical to achieving the three transformative results of ending preventable maternal deaths, ending unmet need for family planning and ending gender-based violence and other harmful practices. Achieving these results requires stronger collaboration and partnerships, and in 2021, UNFPA was happy to have worked closely with donors and implementing partners in ensuring that no one was left behind.  

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Seeing the Unseen: The case for action in the neglected crisis of unintended pregnancy

State of World Population Report

Every human being has the right to bodily autonomy, and perhaps nothing is more fundamental to the exercise of that right than the ability to choose whether, when and with whom to become pregnant.


The basic human right to determine freely and responsibly the number and the spacing of one’s children has been recognized in numerous international human rights agreements over the past five decades. During this same period, the world has seen a vast expansion in the availability of effective, modern contraceptives — one of the greatest public health achievements in recent history. Why, then, are nearly half of all pregnancies unintended?

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UNFPA Sierra Leone newsletter July-December 2021


We bring you warm greetings from the UNFPA Sierra Leone Country Office and wishes for a prosperous 2022. We are delighted to present the last edition of the UNFPA Sierra Leone newsletter for 2021. Among others, we showcase the establishment of Adolescent and Youth Sexual Reproductive Health Hubs for easy access to sexual and reproductive health information and services by adolescent girls and young women in the Koinadugu district.

As we enter 2022, the UNFPA Sierra Leone Country Office is glad to note the Executive Board’s approval of UNFPA’s new Strategic Plan for 2022–2025. As with all other country offices, we see this new plan as a call to action towards the accelerated implementation of the country’s transformative goals and achieving the Sustainable Development Goals in Sierra Leone. It also provides an opportunity for increased commitment to accelerating the implementation of the International Conference on Population and Development ICPD programme of action.

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UNFPA Sierra Leone newsletter January-June 2021


Welcome to our January-June edition of the UNFPA Sierra Leone newsletter which attempts to give our readers a synopsis of what has been achieved so far by the agency in 2021. This includes: the graduation of new midwives who are expected to  help reduce the gap in the midwifery workforce in Sierra Leone, our support to the Government of Sierra Leone through the Ministry of Health and Sanitation with equipment that is critical in building a strong health care worker force,  a retreat that was held for members of the Adolescent and Youth Sexual Reproductive Health and Rights taskforce and our efforts in Kabala where hubs will be established for easy access to sexual and reproductive health information and access to contraceptives for adolescent girls.

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Ensuring rights and choices for all during the COVID-19 pandemic

Annual Report

The COVID-19 pandemic showed us just how vital UNFPA’s mandate is around the world and in Sierra Leone because all too often when crisis strikes, it is women and girls who are mostly affected. In 2020, UNFPA in Sierra Leone was committed to keeping a human rights approach ahead and centre of our mandate to ensure the success of our vital initiatives so we can deliver our three transformative results. 


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