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Sierra Leone Demographic and Health Survey 2019

Technical Reports and Document

The Government of Sierra Leone, through the Ministry of Health and Sanitation and Statistics Sierra Leone (Stats SL), together with its development partners, conducted the 2019 Sierra Leone Demographic and Health Survey (2019 SLDHS).

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UNFPA Sierra Leone Covid-19 Situation Report July-August 2020

Situation Report

UNFPA Sierra Leone continues to deliver a comprehensive programme on sexual and reproductive health, while responding to the COVID-19 pandemic.

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Preceptorship policy and implementation guidelines for clinical competency building of midwifery and nursing students and residents


The concept of preceptorship in professional midwifery and nursing education, hinges on the three cornerstones of knowledge, skills and practical experience. The three must be balanced for delivery of quality health care. Preceptorship is a critical component in the transfer of competencies for quality health care needed to achieve the health-related Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)

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Basic Facts About Depo-Subq “Chuk”

Fact Sheet

Depo SubQ is a family planning method that can be used by all sexually active women and young females. This factsheet provides helpful information about using Depo SubQ.


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Planning for Continuity of Maternal Health and Family Planning Services During the Covid-19 Pandemic - Overview Report of Rapid Assessments of 14 Health Facilities UNFPA and MoHS

Technical Reports and Document

This study was conducted to determine the readiness of health care facilities to continue maternal health and family planning services during the COVID-19 pandemic and identify ways to support them.

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Health Facility Assessment On Availability of Reproductive Health Commodities and Services in Sierra Leone, 2019

Annual Report

The survey is designed to provide an overall picture of the availability and level of stock-outs, assess relevant aspects of health facility resources, clients’ perception about the quality of family planning services and their appraisal of costs incurred to access the services.

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UNFPA Sierra Leone Covid-19 Situation Report May-June 2020

Situation Report

UNFPA Sierra Leone continues to deliver a comprehensive programme on sexual and reproductive health, while responding to the COVID-19 pandemic.

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Saving Lives in Sierra Leone Programme: Fact Sheet

Fact Sheet

The Saving Lives in Sierra Leone Programme (SLiSL) which is funded by the Government of the United Kingdom, aims to reduce maternal, neonatal and child mortality by 25 per cent. The programme is being implemented by the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF), the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) and the World Health Organization (WHO).

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State of World Population 2020

State of World Population Report

Every year, millions of girls are subjected to practices that harm them physically and emotionally, with the full knowledge and consent of their families, friends and communities.

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Review of the National Curriculum Framework and Guidelines for Basic Education Using the Sexuality Review and Analysis Tool (SERAT)


Integrating Comprehensive Sexuality Education (CSE) in formal and non-formal education is one of the key strategies of the Government of Sierra Leone (GoSL) to reduce the high prevalence of teenage pregnancy and child marriage in the country. In June 2019, the Ministry of Basic and Senior Secondary Education (MBSSE) began the process of integrating CSE into basic education.

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