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National Health Sector Strategic Plan 2010-2015


Improving the health of a nation is one of the key priorities of our Government. Formulation of launch of this National Health SEctor Strategic PLan (2010-2015) for further development of our country's health sector is therefore a major achievement.

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Survey of Availability of Modern Contraceptives and Essential Life-Saving Maternal and Reproductive Health Medicines ..Vol 1


This is Volume One of the results of the Survey on the Availability of Modern Contraceptives and Essential Life-Saving Maternal and Reproductive Health Medicines in Service Delivery Points in Sierra Leone. It is published by the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) Country Office in Sierra Leone.

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The Adolescent Experience In-Depth: Using Data to Identify and Reach the Most Vulnerable Young People


Many social policies, including health policies, assume that young adolescents are living with at least one or, ideally, both parents. It is presumed that parents (or even grandparents) may be relied upon to provide income, moral or logistical support, housing, and protection. Many programs directed at this age group assume some level of engagement by parents and therefore may seek to have parental input on important policies.

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Multi-Year Annual Survey to Monitor Programme Effectiveness of the "Improving Reproductive Maternal and Newborn Health" (IRMNH) Programme: Survey 1


This report presents the results of the first of three successive monitoring surveys to be implemented over a two year period to assess progress on selected output and outcome indicators. The survey was conducted in May / June 2014 to establish a baseline to monitor the effectiveness of UNFPA interventions under the DFID/UK AID supported "Improving Reproductive Maternal and Newborn Health Programme (IRMNH) in Sierra Leone project.

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