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Icons & Activists: 50 years of people making change

In celebration of the 50th anniversary of UNFPA and the 25th of the ICPD, this book showcases the "change makers" who have made substantial contributions to sexual and re...

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The Maternal and Newborn Health Thematic Fund Annual Report 2018

In 2018, UNFPA's Maternal and Newborn Health Thematic Fund (MHTF) moved into Phase III (2018-2022) of its Business Plan based on three cross-cutting princip...

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Sierra Leone National Population Policy 2018

The National Population Policy is designed to improve the quality of life for the people of Sierra Leone by ensuring that the sustainable management of population growth is in line...

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Newsletter: UNFPA Deputy Executive Director visits Sierra Leone

In June, UNFPA Deputy Executive Director, programme Mr. Dereje Wordofa visited Sierra Leone. It was Mr. Wordofa’s first visit to the small West African country, and one which...

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Annual Report

Enhancing reproductive health and rights towards sustainable development

This 2018 annual report presents UNFPA's interventions towards achieving the three major goals in Sierra Leone.  

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State of World Population Report

Unfinished Business: The Pursuit of Rights and Choices for All

Read our latest State of the World Population Report 2019 for more.

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National strategy for the reduction of adolescent pregnancy and child marriage 2018 - 2022

The National Strategy for the Reduction of Adolescent Pregnancy and Child Marriage (2018-2022) was developed to guide the prioritisation of all evidence-based adolescent pregnancy ...

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Maternal and Neonatal Quality of Care Baseline Assessment Report - Regent Community Health Centre

This report describes the assessment of Regent Community Health Centre. It was conducted by an assessment team consisting of UNFPA, MoHS and the District Management Health Team (DH...

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Maternal and Neonatal Quality of Care Baseline Assessment Report - Koribondo Community Health Centre

This report describes the assessment of Koribondo Community Health Centre conducted by an assessment team consisting of UNFPA, MoHS and the District Management Health Team (DHMT) s...

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