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Maternal and Neonatal Quality of Care Baseline Assessment Report - Bo Government Hospital

This baseline report describes the assessment of the Bo Government Hospital. ...

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Maternal and Neonatal Quality of Care Baseline Assessment Report - Jembe Community Health Centre

This report describes the assessment of the Jembe Community Health Centre. It was conducted by an assessment team consisting of UNFPA, MoHS and the District Management Health Team ...

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National Nursing and Midwifery Strategic Plan 2019- 2023

The contribution of the nursing and midwifery workforce to health outcomes globally and nationally cannot be overemphasized. Nurses and midwives together form the largest workforce...

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Facilities Assessment for Reproductive Health Commodities and Services in Sierra Leone

The 2017 UNFPA Supplies survey is designed to collect information on the availability of RH commodities as well as salient aspects of service delivery facilities that could reinfor...

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Sierra Leone Rapid Emergency Obstetric and newborn Care (EmONC) Assessment 2017

The fndings from the report provide information on services from all levels of care in each district in the country.

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Sierra Leone Rapid Emergency Obstetric and Newborn Care (EmONC) Assessment 2017 Executive Summary

According to United Nations (UN) estimates, Sierra Leone has the highest maternal mortality ratio (MMR) of 1,360 deaths per 100,000 live births and 1 in 17 bear a lifetime risk of ...

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State of World Population Report

State of World Population 2018 Report

The power of choice: Reproductive rights and the demographic transition

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Report on the Assessment of Adolescent and Young People Friendly Health Services

The purpose of this assessment is to determine the status of the structure, supplies, staffing and services in the provision of AYFHS in selected health care facilities in Sierra L...

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Situational analysis of quality improvement in maternal and neonatal health care, Sierra Leone

This situational analysis provides information about the institutionalization of Quality Improvement in Sierra Leone with a specific focus on maternal and neonatal Quality of Care....

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