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Job Title:                    Consultant to Support the Development of a business case for a Streamlined health Supply Chain Governance Mechanism

Location:                    Freetown, Sierra Leone

Contract Type:          Individual Consultant

Duty Location:          UNFPA Country Office, Freetown, Sierra Leone

Duration:                   40 working days




UNFPA Supplies Partnership, through its Transformative Action Funding Stream, supports strategic interventions that can catalyze change in terms of national systems enhancements that lead towards stronger systems and sustainability and thereby increasing access to RH/FP information, supplies, and services for women and girls most in need. Strengthening supply chain (SC) systems is one of the primary areas of focus for the Partnership in which case policy, technical, systems, institutional management, and capacity support are targeted. Such strategic support is expected to contribute to the realization of a Supply Chain policy, infrastructure, and management that is fit for purpose.

The purpose of this consultancy is to support the development of a business case for a streamlined SC governance mechanism. The assignment aims to deliver on a governance and accountability structure effective for Sierra Leone’s public health supply chain for the next five years.



The national pharmaceutical SC in Sierra Leone relies on multiple actors to act in a coordinated and aligned manner to deliver access to needed essential medicines to the population.  The principal actors include the Directorate of Pharmaceutical Services (DPS/MOHS), the National Medical Supplies Agency (NMSA), Districts, and partners. 

There are gaps in having clear strategies and guidance that effectively help govern and lead national SC solutions. For example:

  • No written and agreed structure for reporting and accountability among DPS, NMSA, Pharmacy Board of Sierra Leone, and Health Programmes on the various SC functions which weakens the ability of each stakeholder to organize and manage SC activities.
  • No clear or defined channel of how the different levels of the SC communicate with each other

The existence of multiple, vertical governance mechanisms;  lack of trust and of alignment of objectives; weak accountability framework; inconsistent participation; the complexity of SC issues;  silos in the negotiation of product and SC systems financing;  and weak collaboration between Program Pharmacist and District Pharmacist are issues identified as challenges and bottlenecks to ensuring that all stakeholders are coordinated and aligned to ensure efficient and effective delivery of medicines.

Hence, the development of a business case for governance and accountability that can address information/ data requirements, reporting and communication processes and structures, and systems for enforcing accountability and performance is among the key interventions proposed.


The main objective of this consultancy is to support the DPS/MOHS in the development of a business case for an integrated mechanism, including cost savings in planning functions, optimized utilization of available fund and human resources, and improved capacity to meet cross-cutting programmatic goals and targets.

The focus of the business case will be, but is not limited to, the following responsibilities which are key to ensuring an effective governance mechanism.

Donor governance

Good, harmonized coordination and communication with donor partners, strong leadership by the government

Communication and coordination of multiple stakeholders, at the central and district level

Regular meetings for consistency of attendance and constructive use of time during meetings. Dedicated and committed secretariat. Pre-meetings in sub-groups as needed (e.g., for complex topics, to increase productivity and knowledge sharing). Adopting tools or SOPs for digital engagement and participation.


Clear reporting lines and good communication

Supply chain financing

Coordinated, standardized tool and process for routinely updating and addressing SC financing, with leadership from NMSA. Proactive follow-up and engagement of district councils for strategic financing/procurement of products.

Support policy implementation

Implementation of policies such as the National Essential Medicines List, Standard Treatment Guidelines, and the National Medicines Policy

Specification and Quantification

Set standards for procurement and coordinated review of medicines requirements

Supply chain monitoring - accountability, transparency, and ethical practices in procurement, and supply management

Independent monitoring of performance in areas of accountability of key SC stakeholders (e.g., NMSA, DPS, Districts)

Quality assurance policy

Enforcement of regulatory policy for medicines registration and donation. Ensuring availability of quality medicines for the entire country (public and private).



  1. Inception phase
    1. Compile and conduct a rapid review of available publications and resources to inform the business case (key references include the diagnostic report of the current state of Sierra Leone’s public health SC, the NSCS, and its Costed Implementation Plan, etc.)
    2. Outline: a) the proposed approach to the whole exercise; b) develop a detailed activity plan consisting of timeline, mode of engagement, activities, tasks, and deliverables; c) proposed outline of the final business case; d) proposed plan for the adoption of the draft business case to be developed
  2. Mapping of existing SC governance mechanisms, benchmarking and drafting of the business case
    1. Benchmarking of effective national-level integrated coordination mechanisms for the management of public health supply chains in developing countries through various means such as review of literature, virtual consultants, etc.
    2. Map stakeholders and partners currently engaged in health SC and existing SC governance mechanisms in Sierra Leone
    3. Draft the business case through consultations with key stakeholders and partners.
  3. Validation and adoption
    1. Conduct a validation workshop 
    2. Incorporate feedback
    3. Submit the final draft for adoption and secure endorsement


The business case to the minimum should include a) a revised Accountability Matrix; b) new/revised and standardized terms of reference for key governance mechanisms with aligned objectives and harmonized modalities and clarification of the mechanisms they replace, c) SOPs for effective coordination/communication.


Monitoring and progress control:

The consultant will be monitored throughout the period by the UNFPA RHCS Technical Specialist. A bi-weekly update will be provided to the National Supply Chain Policy Sub-Committee led by DPS/MOHS. In addition, on a monthly basis, the sub-committee will provide updates to the National Supply Chain TWG. The Supply Chain TWG will be the steering committee providing oversight for the business case development.

The consultant will further hold a debriefing session on key deliverables with the senior management team members of the UNFPA Sierra Leone Country Office. 


Qualifications and Experience:



Advanced degree in Supply Chain Management, Pharmacy, Public Health or Health Systems Management.



  • At least 10 years of international experience in Public Health Supply Chain Management.
  • Experience in management of Health Supply Chain operations in a low resource or similar setting will be advantageous.
  • Experience in consulting multiple projects in areas of development of health supply chain strategies and governance and accountability mechanisms will be preferred
  • Knowledge about the common challenges and solutions within health supply chains and experience in similar projects of designing an integrated governance mechanisms is preferred.
  • Previous experience in working with the UN, bilateral organizations and National Governments is an asset.

Language and other competencies:

  • Fluency in oral and written English.
  • Excellent interpersonal, negotiating, communication and networking skills with the ability to liaise with representatives from the Government and NGOs at the highest levels.
  • Strong analytical and organizational skill.
  • Demonstrated skills in facilitation of virtual webinars and consultations.
  • Competency in basic computer skills.
  • Producing results in timely manner.


Required Competencies:


  • Exemplifying integrity,
  • Demonstrating commitment to UNFPA and the UN system,
  • Embracing cultural diversity,
  • Embracing change

Functional Competencies:

  • Strategically positioning UNFPA programme
  • Providing conceptual innovation to support programme effectiveness
  • Generating, managing and promoting the use of knowledge and information
  • Facilitating quality programmatic results

Core Competencies:

  • Achieving results,
  • Being accountable,
  • Developing and applying professional expertise/business acumen,
  • Thinking analytically and strategically,
  • Working in teams/managing ourselves and our relationships,
  • Communicating for impact




The compensation for this position is based on acceptance of deliverables in line with the prevailing UN Consultancy scale upon satisfactory performance



Mode of application:

Interested candidates are invited to apply to the email address

not later than 2 August 2022 including:

  • Motivational letter
  • CV (including working experience and references)
  • Copy of certificate(s)
  • Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted


UNFPA Work Environment

UNFPA provides a work environment that reflects the values of gender equality, teamwork, Embracing diversity in all its forms, integrity, and a healthy balance of work and life. We are committed to maintaining our balanced gender distribution and promoting equal opportunities for all.

We, therefore, encourage women and persons with disabilities to apply.



UNFPA does not charge any application, processing, training, interviewing, testing, or other fees in connection with the application or recruitment process. Fraudulent notices, letters, or offers may be submitted to the UNFPA