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Facilities Assessment for Reproductive Health Commodities and Services in Sierra Leone

Facilities Assessment for Reproductive Health Commodities and Services in Sierra Leone
Facilities Assessment for Reproductive Health Commodities and Services in Sierra Leone


UNFPA Sierra Leone

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UNFPA Sierra Leone


Facilities Assessment for Reproductive Health Commodities and Services in Sierra Leone

Publication date

01 November 2018

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Since 2010 UNFPA, through its flagship programme, UNFPA Supplies 10, has supported the conduct of an annual survey on the availability as well as stock-out of modern contraceptives and maternal health medicines in programme implementing countries including Sierra Leone.

The 2017 UNFPA Supplies survey is designed to collect information on the availability of RH commodities as well as salient aspects of service delivery facilities that could reinforce good RH programmes by using scientifically sound methodological approaches. The sample for the survey was selected from the list of all health facilities in 2017 provided by DPPI of MOHS nationwide; this form sampling frame for the selection of sample. Health facilities presumed providing family planning and/or maternal health services were considered for the survey sampling. Hence, facilities not providing these services were dropped from the list. The screening of health facilities was done in consultation with RH/FP and DPPI staff. In total, there are 1,357 health facilities providing modern contraceptives and reproductive health services in Sierra Leone in 2016. These include 5 tertiary level care, 4 secondary level care and 1,310 primary level care facilities.